We all have our own personalities on social media. Some like to keep things to themselves, some like to share with friends and families, and others like to share with the world. Whether you are one or the other, we always want our social media accounts to reflect our personalities. Nevertheless there is always an obstacle between the fine line of public and private — privacy settings.

We at Design Brooklyn know that it can get overwhelming at times to keep up with different privacy settings. So we have come up with a comprehensive guide for a number of popular social media platforms to answer some of your frequently asked questions.

Disclaimer: All privacy settings are updated as of March 6th, 2013. If any of the information is outdated please feel free to contact us and let us know.



Facebook has added a handy privacy shortcuts icon on the top menu of their interface.

Facebook Privacy Settings Shortcut

This icon allows access to 3 basic privacy settings:

Who can see my stuff?

Who can see my future post?
  • Updating a status, uploading a photo, or sharing a post? Control who gets to see your timeline contents.
Changing your setting to Public rather than Friends will open your profile to the public and vice versa.
Where can I review all my posts and things I'm tagged in?
  • Check your Activity Log to see everything you have recently done on Facebook.
What do other people see on my timeline?
  • View As is a very handy tool to see your privacy settings in action. Allows you to see exactly what someone viewing your profile sees.

Facebook Who Can See My Stuff


  • You have the option to control who sees each individual post as you post onto your timeline.
Facebook Content Privacy Setting

Who can contact me?

Whose messages do I want filtered into my Inbox?
  • Control which message are filtered from your Inbox.
Who can send me friend requests?
  • Control who is allow to send you a friend request.
Facebook Who Can Contact Me

How do I stop someone from bothering me?

Add people onto your blocked list.
  • People on your blocked list will not be able to find you, see your profile, or see any of your activities on Facebook.
Facebook Stop Bothering Me
For more privacy settings click on See More Settings or Privacy Settings under the tools icon.
Facebook Privacy Settings 1Facebook Privacy Settings 2

Giving you access to 3 categories of privacy settings: Privacy, Timeline and Tagging, and Blocking.

Facebook Privacy Settings and Tools

Notable setting:

Who can look me up?
  • Who can look you up using the email address or phone number you provided?
Control whether people can search for you using your email or phone number.

Timeline and Tagging Settings:
Facebook Timeline and Tagging Settings

Notable setting:

Who can add things to my timeline?
  • Who can post on your timeline?

Control who can post content, share photos, or interact with your timeline.

  • Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline?

Allows you to manually review content posted on your timeline and content you are tagged in. No content will appear on your timeline until you approve them.


Facebook Blocking
  • You can block users, app invites, event invites, and apps.

Photos Settings:

If you want to restrict access to photos or albums you have uploaded/created, go to the Photos section of your account.

Facebook Photos Settings

Facebook Albums Settings

For each album you have created you can control who can view them — this includes individual photos you have uploaded within those albums.

*You are not allowed to hide photos you were tagged in because you are not the original uploader. We recommend untagging yourself for photos that you do not want to appear on your timeline.


Twitter has 2 levels of privacy settings, Public Tweets (the default setting), and Private Tweets.

Public Tweets: are visible to everyone. Everyone whether they have a Twitter account or not will be able to see your profile and tweets.

Private Tweets: can only be viewed by Twitter followers you have approved.
  • People who want to follow you will have to be approved.
  • Your tweets will only be visible to users you have approved.
  • Others cannot retweet your protected tweets.
  • Protected tweets will not show up in Twitter search or search engines.

To publicize or privatize your account, go to the Settings menu from the tools icon.

Twitter Settings

Look for Tweet Privacy. Check Protect my Tweets if you want your account to be private — uncheck if you want it to be public (default).

Twitter Protect Settings

For more information: https://support.twitter.com/articles/14016#


There are no privacy settings for the main blog on your Tumblr — anyone is allowed to view it. You are allowed to make a secondary blog which can be password protected — only those who have the password can view it.
Tumblr New BlogTumblr New Blog
Tumblr Private Blog


Privacy controls for Linkedin are located in the Profile section of your Settings page.

Notable settings:

Edit your public profile
  • Control how you appear to the public.
Select who can see your activity feed
  • Your activity feed displays actions you have performed on Linkedin — control who can see this feed.
Select what others see when you've viewed their profile
  • Linkedin members can track who has viewed their profile. Changing this setting can keep your identity anonymous from such stats.

Linkedin Settings

All privacy settings are updated as of March 6th, 2013. If any of the information is outdated please feel free to contact us and let us know.

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